
Articles that have to deal with training researchers

Purpose of OC Field Research

It is essential that both practicing field researchers and their teams fully comprehend not only the purpose statement for OC research, but also the manner in which it is interwoven and foundational for team ministry on the fields. It should be recognized that OC research has both internal and external dimensions. Further, there are subdivisions within these two categories. These are the elements peculiar to OC which differentiate it from the research practices of other missions and organizations.

1. General Purpose

Developing a Research Protocol

When a research project involves a partnership between a number of denominations and Christian organizations, it is often helpful to develop a research protocol or partnership agreement. This is a process that involves dialog and seeks to reach a common understanding that answers a large number of questions related to the research project. Here is a list of some of the major questions that a research protocol will seek to answer:


Planning a Direction for Ministry and Research

The attached file illustrates the process for planning a direction for ministry.

The role of Research is highlighted in this process. Research helps to:

  1. Understand the context
  2. Determine needs
  3. Establish SMART goals
  4. Identify current resources
  5. Identify future resources
  6. Identify "fruitful" practices
  7. Evaluate our "fruit"

Church Growth Research

I. Purposes of Church Growth Research
II. Approaches to Church Growth Research
III. Church Growth Research from the Macro to Micro
III. Denominational versus geographical research and strategies
IV.Practical Considerations
V. Resources about Church Growth

I. Purposes of Church Growth Research

Typical Challenges to Field Research

Typical Challenges to Field Research Projects are:

The Researcher in Relation to His Leader

This article will help you see research from “the other side of the desk" through helping you better understand what your leader needs from you as a researcher,

Contributions of Research

Research can make valuable contributions to ministry:

Field Survey Research Process

Here are the tasks involved in a research project. They are listed in sequential order:

Field Survey Research

Field Survey Research involved going on site to identify the locations of churches. Here you will find information to help research your city, neighborhood or district. You can organize a group in your church, a cell group, a youth group, etc. to do this. Then we will have the data necessary to complete our task of providing an accurate picture of the distribution of the church in the nation, and thus help insure that there will be a church within access of everyone in the nation in this generation.

Mini Research Projects

As a field workers enters a new culture, many "research projects" are initiated. A wise person will include several research oriented learning objectives into one's learning plan.

1. Learn about the People you serve

The following are some things you will want to learn about the people you are seeking to reach:

  • Language
  • Culture
  • History
  • Religion
  • Specifics of church culture

2. “Foreign Living” Learning Projects


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